lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

Rumor De Luz


Un dios asecha en la oscuridad eterna, sabe que es su tiempo, que es necesario crear la tierra que sostendrá a los que podrán alimentarlo. Ya es tiempo, y ante una orden las aguas se separan, la oscuridad de somete a la luz y surge la tierra. El hombre nace de la nada misteriosa, del sacrificio, de los huesos. Nada detendrá a los dioses para destruir una y otra vez a su invención, sólo el hombre perfecto tendrá cabida. En el mundo del mito: todo se renueva.

Un viaje por la cosmogonía de varias culturas prehispánicas narrado de la diestra mano de José Luis Trueba, quien revive, reinventa y vigoriza la creación del hombre y su entorno acercándolo a nuestro tiempo mediante un lenguaje claro y conciso


Este libo esta muy bonito y yo lo recomiendo mucho,son diversas culturas y así puedes conocer un poco mas .

En el Colegio Vincent V an Gogh se organizo unas exposiciones de cada capitulo donde algunos de los coañeros pasaban y explicaba el capitulo que les toco 

les dejo  este link para que lo lean:

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

Anna and the Figther



Anna is going to visit her aunt in Naira for the first time. She travels by train, alone. Her father has told her not to talk to strangers. So she agrees and she sits down in the train. Anna is tired and she falls asleep. Later she wakes up. She feels lonely, far away from her village and from her father. A man is sitting near to her. He looks ugly and he is bog and strong. His hair is short and he looks mean and dangerous. 

He starts talking to her, asking her some questions, like if she is going to Polona and what she is going to do. He tells her that they have passed Naira a few hours ago. He tells her that his name is Sam and that she can come with him. Sam drops a paper. Anna sees a picture of Sam in the paper, it says: Dangerous fighter. 

But Sam takes Anna with him in his car. They arrive at a hotel. At the café of the hotel, there are two friends of Sam. They all ate something, except for Anna, she didn’t want anything. Sam told her to go to bed, he said to her that she looked tired. He took her to her room and he locked her door. Anna sat on the bed and she cried.

Anna wanted to escape so when she saw a piece of paper, she wrote on it: Please help me, I must escape, I have to go to my aunt in Naira. She threw it out of the window.

The next day Sam came in and said to her that she would probably be hungry. He smiles at her and he looks ugly. They ate together and after breakfast, he had to do some business. He said to her that he would take her to her aunt afterwards.

When they got out of the car, she saw a big building. With a billboard in front of it. Now Anna understands what Sam is, he is a good boxer! He wasn’t a criminal at all. 
Sam’s friends explain to her why Sam looks so ugly. Some day in the past, he woke up and he saw a house on fire. He went down there and ran inside the fire and he saved a child’s life. That’s how his face got scarred.

The fight started and Anna was cheering Sam on. Sam was hit but he won the match. 

After the match Sam took her to her aunt in Naira. Her aunt told her that she had been so worried. She tells her aunt everything about Sam, how he had helped her when she had missed the train stop in Naira. Her aunt recognised Sam from the paper. They all talked for a long time together. After a few hours Sam said that he had to go. He asked her if he could come and visit her some time and she said yes. She smiled at him.


Este libro en ingles me agrado mucho ya que por una parte te enseña a no criticar mal a los demás.
en la escuela Vincent Van Gogh se realizaron algunos ejercicios con el maestro de ingles Abdiel Montoya 

les dejo este link